Monday, April 21, 2014

Thrice is Nice

1.       Two out of three ain’t bad. The Reds taking two of out three from this Cubs this weekend was big for a few reasons. Firstly, it sustained the winning ways put place by the series against the Pirates and it brought some needed confidence to a club that sputtered out of the gates. I know that a sweep, especially of the Cubs, is always great but if you win every series, then you end up being a very good team.
2.       Devin Mesoraco is a man amongst boys right now.  Yes, he will fizzle out at some point and come back down to Earth but right now he is showing that Jay Bruce is not the only Red that can carry this team when on fire. Many people are beginning to wonder why he has not been moved up in the lineup, but my question is why mess with something that is working. If he is comfortable hitting 7th, then let the man dominate in the 7 hole.
3.       Call me whatever you want but I hope the Heat lost in the 1st round. I realize that I should be over the who “Decision” but I’m not. I do not like that “superstars” had to come together to win a championship as opposed to being like the greats before them and leading their team to championships on their backs. LeBron is the best player the NBA has seen in a long time, but he had to go to a city with two other stars to win a championship? Jordan did not leave Chicago.

NFL Mock Draft 2.0 coming later today…. Many changes and my favorite team makes a pick I do not like. 

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